The Lakewood Sister Cities Program is part of a global community that was formed in 1956, when President Eisenhower inaugurated the "People to People" program for the USA and the world. Our Lakewood Program was founded by Win Schendel in 1977 to promote world peace through student exchanges, adult home visits, working exchanges, and other multicultural events.
We are a 501(c3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, volunteer organization of Jefferson County residents who are working for a more peaceful world through direct family communication across international boundaries. We offer you travel, personal contact, and family involvement in cultures across the world. Take a closer look at our team of volunteers.

Lakewood Sister Cities Program is a member of Sister Cities International and we have relationships with the following sister cities:
Sutherland Shire, Australia
Stade, Germany
Portsmouth and Chester in England
A sister city, county, or state relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries. Sister city relationships offer the flexibility to form connections between communities that are mutually beneficial and which address issues that are most relevant for partners.
In our work we enjoy the support of the City of Lakewood and we cooperate with local Chambers of Commerce and the Jefferson County School District. Lakewood Sister Cities draws individual and family members from all over Jefferson County.